Monday, August 25, 2008

Tropic Thunder - 4 Tubs

This is another loser movie that attracts those who simply want to be 'entertained'. If you need crude vulgarity to be entertained, then go see this movie - it's full of it.

There's nothing after the credits, so get out so we can clean the auditorium. For those who didn't get enough 'f*#@ this s)^!' and 'm*@#&^$-f*#@ers', there's plenty more in the credit music. As with all loser movies, (Semi-Pro, Step Brothers, Harold and Kumar, Pineapple Express, ad nauseum), body fluids, bodily sounds, and much too often - male frontal nudity is what brings the teens, college students and single black women with their four children by four different sperm donors.

Saturday afternoon we spotted four children, the oldest of which was maybe 12 years old, enter Tropic Thunder. As this is an R-rated movie, we're bound by state and federal laws to protect children from the content of these movies. Most parents who find out that their kids snuck in to see an R-rated movie would be on the phone complaining to the corporate office. Not so for these four kids' mom. We asked for their ticket stubs and they said that their mom had them. We asked them to leave the theater until their mom appeared with the tickets. When she finally came out of the bathroom, the manager asked to see the ticket stubs. She said, "What business is it of yours? in a rather rude voice. The manager replied, "I'm the manager. This is an R-rated movie and minors can't be in these movies without an adult being present with them." She then told the manager to mind his own f'ing business and get out of her mf'ing face; and walked her four illegitimate children in to watch a movie with more curse words and sexual references than anything since Step Brothers - but those kids have probably heard that and more at home, judging by the mother. The oldest daughter did appear to be ashamed of her mother's behavior, so there's hope for at least one of these kids. I hope that the oldest girl escapes and is able to lead a successful life in spite of her mom's poor parenting skills.

I'm glad this was my last weekend at the theater because I'm sick to death of customers like this bitch. ('Bitch' should be in the Bible because that's the only description that fits some people - and God knows she's a bitch, and was purposed to be a bitch before He breathed her into her mother's over-used womb). Needless to say there was a mess under those five seats after the movie was over.

In the ten months that I've worked at this theater, I've come to believe that people aren't basically good as some would claim. Most are inconsiderate, rude, and slovenly. I'm having a difficult time trying to see what Jesus loves about these people. This is the point in Tropic Thunder where Robert Downey Jr, playing a black Army sergeant, would demand, "What do you mean by 'these people?" Maybe after I've had a few months to detox I won't be so negative and judgmental...but don't hold your breath.

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