Saturday, December 29, 2007

Walk Hard - 2 Tubs

Walk Hard is one of the funniest movies I've seen recently - and it's relatively clean! Except for that scene in the middle of the know the one I'm talking about. Every parent should take their teenage daughter to see this movie, as I did. Hopefully they will have the same reaction to the flacid penis on the big screen that my daughter did. She turned her face and covered her eyes and exclaimed, "Gross! I don't ever want to see another one of those for the rest of my life!" Yes! as a dad, I'm estatic that my teenage daughter no longer has any interest in the male anatomy. Perhaps if more fathers were as responsible as I am, there would be fewer teen pregnancies.

Personally, I don't need to see another flacid penis the rest of my life either, unless it's mine.

Perhaps it's that one scene that causes movie goers to lose their appetites and thus there's less of a mess when it's time to clean up after the show. Or it could be that it's so funny that people forget to eat their popcorn. Either way, Walk Hard is a winner!

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